YSL Woody Said He Lied to Police In All Of His Interviews

by Daryl Nelson

YSL Woody has gotten a lot of attention in Young Thug's RICO case, first, refusing to testify against him on the stand, then firing his lawyer

But Woody — who's also facing RICO charges — took the stand again this week and said he's been lying to police.

Woody is the same person who was seen in an interrogation video a while back giving info on Thugger.

State’s witness Kenneth ‘Lil Woody’ Copeland goes on a long epic rant on the stand

After hours of questioning he cuts off the prosecutor and tells her he lied about everything he told the police pic.twitter.com/4Wob3xE813

— THUGGERDAILY ひ (@ThuggerDaily) June 13, 2024
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"Every time they grabbed me, I had a different story for them," Woody admitted. "I was not truthful. I was saying whatever they wanted me to say … I was trying my best to convince them that I didn’t do nothing … You asked me if I was being truthful. I know I wasn’t being truthful ... Whenever they was questioning me, I was lying. I was making up stories."

You can see more of Woody's testimony above. Any reaction to his confession?