Young Thug's Lawyer Brian Steele Arested In Court


Young Thug's lawyer, Brian Steele, was arrested today for contempt of court after he confronted the judge in Thug's RICO case with an accusation of witness coercion.

Young Thug’s lawyer Brian Steele has officially been held in contempt and taken into custody #FREESTEELE

— THUGGERDAILY ひ (@ThuggerDaily) June 10, 2024
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Steele refused to reveal who gave him the information that led to the accusation, so he was charged with contempt.

If Steele is correct, Thug's trial—the longest in Georgia state history—could end in a mistrial.

When he gets out of jail, Steele will likely file to have Judge Glanville removed from the case.

I expect a motion to recuse Judge Glanville in the very near future.

I do not see any way he can continue as the judge in this case

A motion to recuse in Georgia MUST be heard by a different judge

I don't see how the #YoungThug #YSLTrial is not irreparably tainted

— Phil Holloway ✈️ (@PhilHollowayEsq) June 10, 2024
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This case and judge is off the reservation. This is an instant mistrial. I cannot believe the Judge thinks taking a defense atty into custody isn't a mistrial. BRIAN STEELE is a real one. Defense lawyers across the country should be terrified by the lack of judicial knowledge

— Bradford Cohen (@bradfordcohen) June 10, 2024
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