Young Thug Judge Rips "Unorganized" Prosecutor And Will Consider Mistrial


The trial of the Young Thug and the YSLs keeps dragging on and on.

Today, Judge Whitaker went off the state prosecutors, first accusing them of hiding information from the defense and then suggesting that they are just unorganized and incompetent.

The judge in the YSL case is finally FED UP

Judge Whitaker goes off on the state and storms out of the courtroom to consider the defenses mistrial motion

— THUGGERDAILY ひ (@ThuggerDaily) September 30, 2024
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"It is baffling to me that somebody with the number of years experience that you have time after time after time continues to seemingly, purposefully hide the ball to the extent you possibly can for as long as you can and I really don't want to believe that it is purposeful but honestly after a certain number of times you start to wonder how it could be anything but that unless it is just that you are so unorganized that you are throwing this case together as you try it," she said in an impressive run-on sentnece.

She then left to consider a mistrial

While it's unlikely today will be the end of the what has become the longest trial in Georgia state history, the prosecution seems pretty lost and perhaps Thug -- who's without bail -- will be home sooner than expected.