'Wire' And 'Walking Dead' Actor Chad Coleman Goes Nuts On The Subway

by HHL Editors

A crazy person screaming on the New York City subway isn't that unusual.

A crazy somewhat famous person melting down on the NYC subway? Now that's something to see.

"Yes, I’m Chad L. Coleman," an unhinged Chad L. Coleman screamed at his follow 4 train passenger. "I’m on 'The Wire,' 'The Walking Dead.' I’m not trying to play no fuckin’ games with you. I’m telling you the truth. Yes, I’m an actor.'

"I wanna know where my humanitarians are," Coleman yells  in video recorded yesterday. "If you care, fucking care! And that’s the goddamn truth."

Coleman, who played Cutty on The Wire and Tyreese on The Walking Dead, is seen making the other riders uncomfortable as he moves around the train.

Today, Coleman apologized for his behavior. He told TMZ he was sober during the rant, and that it was touched off by his frustration about the situation in Baltimore and by a racist comment he says he heard a couple make about him.

He may have also been upset that Tyreese got killed off on Walking Dead.