White House Will Respond To Petition To Have YG's ‘Meet the Flockers’ Banned

by HHL Editors

YG caused a whole lot of offense with this bar from his track 'Meet The Flockers.'

“First, you find a house and scope it out. Find a Chinese neighborhood, cause they don’t believe in bank accounts," he raps.
The song is from his 2014 album My Krazy Life.

But it recently caught the attention of Chinese groups, both at home and in China, and they have been protesting YG at some of his recent shows.

They've also successfully launched a We The People petition to have 'Meet The Flockers' banned and YG investigated.

The song "Meet the Flockers" by YG encourages violence and crimes to a specific ethnic group. As one of this group in North America, I feel seriously offended and threatened. Please ban the song from public media and investigate legal responsibilities of the writer," reads the petition.
Since the petition received 100,000 digital signatures, the White House will have to consider it.

It's doubtful they will take any action.

But do the Chinese groups have a point about 'Meek The Flockers'?