Watch A Waitress Body Slam A Dude Who Touched Her Butt


Ryan Cherwinksi tried to cop a little feel during his meal at Vinni Van Go-Go’s in Savannah, Georgia.

It didn't end well for him.

GA waitress Emelia Holden is seen on camera being sexually violated by 31 yr old Ryan Cherwinksi. Holden slammed him into a chair She told said “I just did what I felt was best, I took the guy down and had my co-workers call the police.”
Cherwinksi was charged w/ sexual battery.

— Atlanta Black Star (@ATLBlackStar) July 19, 2018
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As you can see, waitress Emelia Holden body slammed the 31-year old almost directly into a trash can.

Not only was Cherwinksi charged with sexual battery, but the cops arrested him right in front of his wife and two young children, who were dining with him.

At least this should make the fool who tried to fight Pacman Jones in an airport feel a little less foolish.