Do you want to know how Wack 100 got this name?
Wack will explain it to you.
When Wack was 12, they were selling crack out of his neighbor's house. The dealers took Wack in, and he started working with them. After a while, they gave the house over to a formerly homeless crackhead, who was responsible enough to deal for them.
Unfortunately, the crackhead eventually slipped up. Wack and the gangsters found him in a hotel with a bunch of women and the product. They didn't beat him up because he had been loyal. Instead, they drove him back to the house and told him he had to take his things and vacate it for good.
Rather than go back to the streets, the crackhead killed himself right in front of young Wack.
"He pulled the trigger. I watched the top of his cap hit the ceiling. Blood splatter on the wall behind. And I watched the body drop and slump. It was like an ocean of blood flowing out of it."
While the older gangsters rushed to move the dead body, Wack -- who said he watched a lot of Matlock -- told them not to touch the body and change the crime scene. Then Wack got his mom to call the cops, who ruled that the death was, in fact, a suicide and didn't bother the gangsters about it.
His coolness under pressure got him his now-notorious name.
"That was the birth of Wack. You have to remember that name in those days meant something totally different. You got some names that was given to and you got some that was earned. The Evils, the Killers, the Wacks. You hear those types of names on a dude of age; that was an earned name," he said.