
Vince Staples Criticizes Those Who Attacked The Christian 'Norf Norf' Mom

By Daryl Nelson

Last year, after a Christian mom heard Vince Staples' song 'Norf Norf' she recorded herself reciting the lyrics and started to cry.

"I couldn't believe what I was hearing," she said in tears. "This is on our local radio station. This crap is being played. I couldn't even believe the words that I was listening to. As a mom, it infuriated me."
That video eventually went viral, and lots of folks mocked her over-the-top reaction.

Staples quickly stuck up for her. He revisited the controversy again in a new interview with NPR, continuing to say the Christian mom's critics were the ones in the wrong.

"What she said, 'This is what our children are being exposed to,' she's right," stated Vince. "My question is, why can we listen to that and pass it off like it's not a problem? When you see a film and you see a murder scene or a rape scene or something that's displaying an element of trauma, we don't look at it and go 'This movie's fucking great. I'm having a great time, are you?' But it doesn't necessarily happen in that sense when we're speaking about music ... So I don't have a problem with what she said. "She never said one negative thing about me," he continued. "At all. Her statement was that she doesn't understand how this is getting to major airwaves — which is debatable, it's fair for her to feel that way. And most of [all], she kind of felt bad about the fact that it was possible that these things could really happen. Shouldn't we be, you know, happy that someone actually is considering the fact that this really happens, rather than passing it off as fable or just ignoring it?"
You can read Vince's full NPR interview here.

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