UMG Claims Revenue From Kendrick Lamar Drake Diss Reaction Videos


Remember how Kendrick Lamar allowed YouTubers to post reaction videos to his Drake disses without the threat them with copyright claims?

That now seems like a bait and switch.

Multiple YouTubers have confirmed that their reaction videos have been copyright-stricken, and revenue has been claimed by UMG.

YouTubers confirm their content from their Kendrick Lamar diss track reactions have all been copyright striked and their revenue has been claimed

— Akademiks TV (@AkademiksTV) June 4, 2024
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While Drake stans are chalking this up to Kendrick's treachery, it's unclear why this happening and to what extent Lamar is involved.

Kendrick LIED about removing the copyright from YouTuber reactions for free PR points. This is DISGUSTING. Millions of impressions & free promo from YouTubers just for you to pull a bait & switch. You people purchased the reactions @iamstillpunch @dangerookipawaa @kendricklamar

— drakesattorney (@aubreyslawyer) June 4, 2024
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