Tyler, The Creator Criticizes Kanye West After Seeing His Show In Korea

by Daryl Nelson

Tyler, The Creator doesn't involve himself in the day-to-day Hip-Hop shenanigans that take place online, but he does speak up whenever he feels the integrity of rap music is being compromised.

Like, when he accused Ian of mocking rap music and was called a hater by Ian's manager.

Tyler's latest criticism involves Kanye West after seeing footage of him performing "On Sight" at a recent show in Korea.

Kanye performed the song with a backing track and did more dancing than rapping, which Tyler doesn't like.

Tyler in the comments 😭 pic.twitter.com/WhChTgtgkZ

— Kurrco (@Kurrco) September 10, 2024
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"N*gga u was right there. Just say the words!!!!" he wrote on social media.

Do you mind when rappers use backing tracks on stage or not really?