Tyler, The Creator Casts Shade On Some Of His Rap Colleagues


Tyler, The Creator is a musical guy.

And he can't help but notice that some of his rap colleagues are not.

Tyler, The Creator shares his thoughts on some of the rappers out right now 👀

“There's so many [guys] out right now who aren’t musicians, that are getting treated like musicians cause they make meme records.” pic.twitter.com/kQAi0nA2qt

— Kurrco (@Kurrco) August 13, 2024
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"I don't want to seem like I'm a hater.  But I have hater energy because I just think I'm that good," Tyler said.  "I love this art form so much.  There's so many n*ggas out right now who aren’t musicians, that are getting treated like musicians cause they make meme records and publically will be like, 'I don't give a f*ck about music, I just do this for money.'"

Who do you think Tyler is talking about here?  

We have some guesses.