Tyga has been accused of playing hide and seek with his money.
According to TMZ, the 'Rack City' rapper has been sued by his former business partner Chuon Guen Lee, and a judge already ordered Tyga to pay him over $2 million.
But Lee said that Tyga formed new shell corporations to hide his money and keep him from getting it. The rapper's ex-business partner also said that Tyga makes about $450, 000 a month, so he should have no problem forking over the money he owes.
Right now, Lee is trying to get a judge make T-Raww release his current financial standings, so he can be paid.
Why do you think Tyga seems to have so many money issues, despite all of the stunting and showing off he does?
[Related: Tyga will talk about who got Kylie Jenner pregnant -- if you pay him.]