Black Star rapper Talib Kweli used to have a second home on Twitter, where he was known for engaging with everyone on all topics, but especially race.
Earlier this month, he was accused of harassing a black woman he deemed a colorist and was eventually kicked off the platform for his relentless attacks
Now the folks still on Twitter are dragging Kweli for allegedly sleeping with interesting looking, middle-aged caucasian porn star Sara Jay.
Here's a taste.
All Talib Kweli stupid ass had to do was nothing. Lmfao literally nothing. Now we all know you’re separated, got a kid with a side chick, and fucked Sara Jay in a 2 week period
— The DJ (Fire Boylen Now) (@DJBLHolla) July 26, 2020
Talib when watching a Sara Jay flick
— I’LL SLAP YO AZZ JUS CUZ OF SLAVERY (@WhattUpJT) July 26, 2020
Holllll up...Talib hit Sara Jay? You mean Talib, lyrics stick to ya ribs??? Naaaa man stop 😂
— B3 (@bmthreezy) July 26, 2020
Pro Black conscious rapper Talib Kweli meeting Sara Jay
— QP (@IamQuidpro) July 27, 2020
Nah man if Talib really knocked down Sara Jay we really living in the end times😭😭😭😭
— Act ✌🏾 (@Rich_Hook) July 26, 2020
*Talib Kweli allegedly smashed Sara Jay*
— VizualKillah (@weszmarsh) July 27, 2020
Mos Def when he heard the news:
So Talib had an army of trolls harassing and doxxing black women while he was laying up with Sara Jay 🤮
— Fredrip Douglass🇺🇸 (@JohnECochran_) July 27, 2020
Is Talib a hypocrite for this?