Twitter Is Furious Kylie Jenner Is In The Megan Thee Stallion Cardi B "Wap" Video


Megan Thee Stallion and Cardi B get pretty raunchy in their new "Wap" video.

But the thing that has Twitter offended is a cameo Kylie Jenner makes in the visuals. 

The way I know all of our faces collectively dropped when Kylie walked her literal appropriated ass in this WAP video 🥴

— Black BEEN King (@SylviaObell) August 7, 2020
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When i saw a wild Kylie come on the wap video

— A bearded bible study partner (@dnicewazhere) August 7, 2020
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Kylie walks on screen in the WAP video


— Black BLACK-Sassy Wife (@mrsniquesquared) August 7, 2020
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Now Imagine if Cardi & Meg had Rihanna or Beyoncé walking down that hallway that would’ve left a bitch gagging not Kylie. #WAP

— Luh Jayla 🥵 (@jaylaily) August 7, 2020
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whoever suggested to give Kylie more time than Mulatto on WAP, trust, you will be dealt with

— jessica (@Its_Jessiccaa) August 7, 2020
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Kylie in the #WAP video equals people moaning about Kylie in the video, which equals people tweeting about Kylie in the video, which equals people who haven’t seen the video going to watch the video to find out why Kylie’s in the video. Cardi’s getting those hits.

— TONI TONE (@t0nit0ne) August 7, 2020
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Kylie and Meg have an interesting recent history.  Megan, Kylie, and Tory Lanez were partying in a pool shortly before Tory allegedly shot Meg in the feet.  There have been reports that Tory's flirtations with Kylie enraged Meg, and ultimately led to the shooting.

In that's the case, Meg doesn't seem to harbor any resentment toward Kylie.

Her fans are a different story.  A petition to have Kylie removed from the video is quickly on its way to 25,000 digital signatures.