Troy Ave Talks Signing To TDE After Top Dawg Said He Was Lying

by Daryl Nelson

When Troy Ave said he was about to sign to TDE earlier this month, it all sounded fishy from the jump. That's because the Brooklyn spitted had recently declared Kendrick Lamar a weirdo rapper. Plus, he doesn't seem to fit the TDE brand at all.

So it probably wasn't that surprising when TDE label boss Top Dawg dismissed Troy's claims completely.

The NuPac rapper tried prove he wasn't lying in an interview on Power 106 Los Angeles.

"The good thing about me is the truth don't change," he said. "I never have to double back and change up my story and really explain. I never said [TDE was going to sign me] ... I never spoke to anybody at TDE, but I'm sitting in jail, and it come to me after Kendrick reached out."
After that supposed conversation is when Troy said he tried to get on the label, but his former manager Hovain dropped the ball.

"I put plans in action, and unfortunately I'm sitting in jail, and I can't put no plan in action," he explained. "So I'm depending on other people to put the play together, and they couldn't. I would have no reason to lie."
Well, he could be lying to make himself look bigger and more important. That's a reason to lie, right? Plus, if you notice what Top Dawg said in his tweet, Kendrick never had a conversation with Troy, so it looks like he's still lying about that.

You can watch the rapper's interview below.