Trick Trick Updates Rick Ross's No Fly Zone


Trick Trick made Detroit a no-fly zone for Rick Ross about a decade ago.

Trick believed The Bawse had disrespected his city.

All has been forgiven.

Death Row Records co-founder Michael “Harry O” Harris has brokered peace between the two rappers and arranged for them to share the stage during the Harry O’s Our Community First Action concert in nearby Pontiac, Michigan.

Ross thanked Harris for making it happen.

“You flying me out last night, you having Trick Trick bring me out on stage. I’m sure everybody knows me and Trick Trick had our differences for over a decade and here we are just moving forward, doing big things in the community. We got some more big things coming” Ross said.

While Michigan is back on the menu for The Bawse, Canada is a different story ...