T.I. Says Someone Needs To Pay For Hurting His Image

by Daryl Nelson

It's been about a week since T.I. was arrested for arguing with a security guard in his gated community, and now he wants someone to pay for it.

While speaking to TMZ, Tip said that he's not worried about the actual charge since it's a misdemeanor.  But he does want someone to pay for damaging his image.  According to T.I., he's been trying to re-brand himself in light of his past legal troubles and this recent arrest has affected that.

Tip also addressed a petition that was created to have the charges against him dropped.

"I think that's a blessing. I appreciate it," he said about the petition. "What they can do, between the parties involved, who is going to hold themselves accountable and accept responsibility for the retribution that must be paid through? Because I spent a lot of time reconstructing my image from my past transgression, so I can do deals with other corporations, and you throw me out there like I'm drunk, beating up on people and that ruins possible opportunities for me."

Do you think Tip has changed his image from back in the day, or do you still see him in the same light?

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