
Tekashi 6ix9ine Is Getting Sued 9! Figures For Shooting Of Innocent Bystander


When Tekashi 6ix9ine comes home in early August, his biggest threat is going to come from lawyers, not Bloods.

Earlier this week, Fashion Nova sued 6ix9ine for $2.25 million for not returning his advance.  Next ex-Nine Trey Snow Billy sued Tekashi an undisclosed amount for having him shot.

Now an unnamed woman is suing 6ix9ine a cool $150 million for being responsible for a gunfight that led to her taking a stray bullet in the foot.

Jane Doe was in the Smurf Village apartment complex in Brooklyn in July of 2018 when the Nine Treys who had recently kidnapped and pistol-whipped 6ix9ine were shooting a video.  She claims 6ix9ine caught wind of his tormentor's location and sent his goons over to shoot them up.

Her injuries required her to miss time at her retail job and destroyed her dream of going to the police academy.

6ix9ine acknowledged he was involved with the shooting when he testified against his kidnappers late last year, apologizing to the woman and offering to pay her medical bills.

Tekashi's lawyer Dawn Florio commented on this latest legal twist.

"It's suspicious that the plaintiff only sued Daniel Hernandez who was never identified as the shooter in her case. The plaintiff did not sue the persons involved in her shooting. To be clear, Daniel did not shoot her."

Of course, the persons involved with her shooting are not coming home to a $10 million record deal, like 6ix9ine is.

Posted In: Legal Teka$Hi 6ix9ine
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