Teka$hi 69 [Kind Of] Admits They Had Him Shook In Rikers


Teka$hi 69 spent a few days in NYC jail Rikers Island last week, mostly in the Contagious Disease Unit.

In a new interview with TMZ, Teka$hi 69 confirmed that he was moved because he was being threatened by the other inmates.

"Yeah, bro. I was super scared. They tried to kill me, they tried to slit my throat," 69 said.

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Now you may detect some sarcasm there from the notorious troll.

But the Daily News reported last week that there were threats against 69 from the Trinitarios gang, and he was quite scared.

A courthouse source later said Tekashi reported Trinitarios gang members threatened him in central booking while he was waiting for his hearing to begin.

A second source confirmed that Trinitarios members were calling the rapper a “b---h” and threatened to cut him. Tekashi cowered in fear during the verbal onslaught, the source said.

Teka$hi 69 was released from Rikers on Friday when he posted bail for the Houston mall assault which had the authorities nab him at the airport on his return home from Europe. He went to Houston on Monday and posted bail there, too. 

Now he's free to troll and to avoid Trinitarios.