Tay-K is serving 55 years for a home invasion murder in which he wasn't the one to pull the trigger.
This week, he will go on trial for a completely different murder, which went down in a San Antonio Chick-fil-A parking lot in 2017. In this one, he is the alleged gunman.
While Tay was on the run for his first murder -- a flight he immortalized in his hit track "The Race" -- when he allegedly shot and killed Mark Anthony Saldivar. Tay after his buddies had robbed Saldivar of some photography equipment and then forced him from his car. Saldivar responded by jumping on the hood of the car, which pulled into the parking lot. The state of Texas says that Tay then pulled out a handgun and shot Saldivar to death.
Tay was 16 at the time of the murder but will be charged as an adult.