
Tay-K To Get More Time For Stabbing Prison Guard


Tay-K is already serving 55 years for a home invasion murder and still has to face the music for another unrelated murder which went down in a San Antonio Chick-Fil-A parking lot in 2017.

That's not even the extent of his legal troubles.

The 20-year old is going to have more time added to his 55-year sentence after stabbing a prison guard.

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Tay-K famously bragged about ditching his ankle bracelet and running from the law in his smash hit "The Race".

It doesn't look like he'll ever get the chance to do that again.

Update:  Tay-K's team is denying he stabbed a guard.  However, they are also claiming he'll be home soon, so we are not so sure they are credible.

Posted In: Crime Tay-K
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