Kanye West and Talib Kweli used to be friends but not anymore.
One sign of that is the Black Star member accusing Ye of taking advantage of N.O.R.E by doing his Drink Champs show and going on an anti-Semitic rant.
Plus, Ye falsely claimed that George Floyd died of fentanyl and not by convicted cop Derek Chauvin kneeling on his neck.
His Drink Champs episode was eventually removed, which is the same thing that happened to an episode of The Shop that he was on.
"@kanyewest bro you not a good friend to @therealnoreaga stop the 🧢," wrote Kweli. "You called NORE because he the only one who would let you come on after The Shop shelved you because you was screaming White Lives Matter (a nazi phrase) at everyone during that taping. You know for a fact @drinkchamps is not a political show but you went their to regurgitate lies about Black people from @realcandaceowens who is a political talking head. You literally wore a 2024 hat, essentially announcing your political aspirations. You took advantage of NORE, someone who was giving you the benefit of the doubt, for your own political gain. And now you have jeopardized his show and made the families of the victims of racist police brutality want to sue you."
Any reaction to Kweli's post?