T.I. Reveals The Biggest Check He Ever Got


T.I. is known for his love of big words.

He also deals in big checks.

During an interview with Tony “The Closer” Robinson, Tip revealed the largest check he's ever received: $26 million.

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"Eight-figure checks feel like the devil could potentially pull you under.  It's a lot of scrutiny because people are after this.  This is what everybody wants.  I'm holding it in my hand right here and it got my name on it.  It feels like a lot of responsibility," T.I. said.

While there is always a chance this is cap, Tip could have got that check for his Grand Hustle imprint, which has been on-and-off major labels over the years.

Tip was seeking $50 to $75 million for Grand Hustle in 2013, but that preceded a few years of Hustle being an independent label, so it's not clear he ever got that.