T.I. Now Has 50 Cent Collecting Debts For Him


T.I.'s artist 5ive Mics owes him $1000 after losing a bet that he could flatten his abs by July 4th.

Tip has a lot of stuff going on, so he can't focus on collecting debts.

That's where 50 Cent comes in.

"We want the fu*kin money by Monday 5ive," Fofty says.

Then T.I.'s borrows a thousand from 50, transferring 5ive's debt.

"Ok @5ive_mics since you haven’t responded yet,I’ve officially handed this matter over to my representative @50cent ... He’ll be handling things from here on my behalf. It’s above me now," T.I. captioned the video, adding the hashtag PayMeExpeditiouslySIR.