
T.I. Accused Of Fraud By Former Restaurant Employees

By Benny Franklin

Grand Hustle? Grand Opening, Grand Closing.

T.I.'s restaurant dreams came to a crashing halt back in May when his partner Charles Hughes filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy for their establishment, Scales 925 Atlanta.

When things seemed they couldn't get any worse, The Blast now reports T.I.'s former employees are coming after him for almost 664,000.00.

On October 19, several former employees of T.I.’s Scales 925, submitted an amended federal lawsuit over unpaid wages. 

The former employees claim they uncovered new information that shows that T.I. and his partners used the restaurant's money for personal reasons and paid themselves a very high salary.

According to The Blast…

In the newly-filed amended lawsuit, the ex-employees now allege that T.I. and his partner, Charles Hughes, diverted hundreds of thousands to themselves during a time they knew the business was in financial turmoil. The former employees now claim they uncovered new information that allegedly shows T.I. and Hughes made bank transfers from Scales 925 to themselves totaling $663,933.98.  

Do you think T.I. and his associates can lawyer their way out of this one? 

Posted In: Legal T.I.