Snoop Dogg Speaks On Ghostwriters


Ghostwriters are at the forefront of the Hip Hop dialogue these days, as Drake continues to be exposed as fervent user of them.

Snoop Dogg doesn't think that's a bad thing.

The Dogg Father also uses ghostwriters, and here he explains why:

snoop’s ghostwriter. #RapRadarPodcast, 2022

— brian™️ miller (@bdotTM) May 28, 2024
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"I started off writing for Dr. Dre.  So what would I be if I didn't allow someone to write for me?  Sometimes you gotta put yourself in the frame of letting somebody else depict a better picture for you because you can't see everything.  I use this as an example all the time, I felt like Whitney Houston's best record was The Bodyguard.  When other people came in and gave her records that weren't hers and she could sit back and just sing and they embodied what they thought she should be," Snoop said.  "And that's to the point of my career I'm at now, where I've written so many so many hit records where it's not about what I can write.  Sometimes, it's about what I can't see."

Does that also apply to Drake, who wrote some hits earlier in his career?