Snoop Dogg Is Getting Sued By A Religion

by HHL Editors

It seems like all the rappers are getting sued these days. But Snoop Dogg's the only one being sued by a religion.

For a reason we are having trouble understanding (although it probably had to do with $s), Snoop was featured on the song 'King', which comes from obscure Iranian-born singer Amitis Moghaddam.

In the video for the track, Snoop Dogg raps on a throne topped with a faravahar -- a winged spirit symbol sacred to the religion of Zoroastrianism. Throughout the video scantily clad women dance suggestively.

For disrespecting their icon, The Parsi Zoroastrian Association in India is suing Snoop and Moghaddam.

"We being such a small community, our heritage should not be looked down upon,” the plaintiff Darayas Jamshed Bapooji told the LA Times in an interview. "We are very proud people, we take pride in our religion and we cannot afford for anyone to do such things."
Zoorastrianism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world.  But they only have about 140,000 adherence these days, mostly in India.

They tend to be fairly wealthy, so they may have the resources to make this lawsuit a real thing.