Watch Snoop Dogg Demand A Tesla From Elon Musk


Elon Musk has been dominating the news cycle lately.

When he's not comparing Bill Gates to a pregnant man, he's buying Twitter for fun.

All of this Elon Musk talk has reminded Snoop Dogg of something:  The Tesla boss owes Snoop a Tesla.

At least according to Snoop.

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"This is a message for Elon Musk," Snoop said.  "Nephew, I need a Tesla. One of your peoples came to my show and told me I was going to get one.  Still waiting.  Do I have to buy one?  Or you gonna send me one?  Get to it and do it.  And congrats on Twitter."

Musk is actually a few months older than Snoop.  So calling him nephew may not be the way to a free car.