Security Tossed XXXTentacion Into The Barrier [VIDEO]

by HHL Editors

XXTentacion has been taking his lumps lately.

He was punched and knocked out during a show in San Diego last week. He also showed up to the XXL Freshman photo shoot looking like someone stuffed a Xanax in his Xanax.

In the video below, XXX tries to have two security guards toss him into the crowd. However, they didn't toss hard enough and he hit the barrier instead of reaching the waiting arms of his fans

Would ya look at that... ANOTHER L @djvlad @TheShadeRoom #LLLtentacion

— BP THE VLOGGER (@MrPhillips83) June 15, 2017
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It's a stunt XXX performs at many of his shows, usually to a better result.

Should he let himself get tossed around like that?