Sean Kingston Locked Up In California On Fraud & Theft Charges

by Daryl Nelson

Sean Kingston is currently in California's San Bernardino County jail. 

He was taken into custody Thursday on fraud and theft charges after performing on the base of Fort Irwin, located in the Mojave Desert. 

All of this happened after local police received an arrest warrant from the Broward County Sheriff's Office in Florida.

Earlier that day, his mother, Janice Turner, was arrested in Florida on the same charges after police raided Kingston's rented mansion there.

It's being said that he bought a $150,000 home entertainment system and failed to pay, so he's being sued, which led to the raid.  The "Beautiful Girls" crooner has a history of skipping out on payments.

Soon after his mother's arrest, he issued a statement and pretty much downplayed everything.

"People love negative energy"  wrote Kingston. "I am good and so is my mother! My lawyers are handling everything as we speak."

None of this looks good for the 34-year-old, and it'll be interesting to see how this plays out.