
Safaree Samuels Accused Of Hustling An Unknown Rapper For His Money

By Daryl Nelson

If you're an under-the-radar rapper, sometimes one way to get more attention is by paying a better known artist for a feature.

One rapper believed that Safaree Samuels could help his career, but the guy ended up getting hustled, which he explained during a call to The Breakfast Club.

"This how he got me. He hit me up first actually on Instagram,” said the unknown artist. “He was like, ‘Yo, your track is hot' ... He told me that he could do a little promo for me, throw my track on Spotify, on the playlist for me and all that for $1,000. So, I paid him, and weeks and months go by. So, I’m hitting him up. He said, ‘Oh, I forgot you on this tape so I got you on the next project.’ It was supposed to drop in November. So, after November, he completely stopped responding and he basically got me out of $1,000, so I just have to take my L."

Afterward, Envy explained what might have happened and said Safaree probably had sincere intentions.

"There's these people that do mixtapes," said Envy. "If you see a bunch of different artists, they'll say, 'Hey, we'll put you on this mixtape.' They pay the artist to host the mixtape and the artist hosts the mixtape, they get ten songs from ten different people. And when they get the 10 songs, the artist does the drops and they put the mixtape out. It probably wasn't him, it probably was a company like that that does the mixtape type of thing."

Safaree — who recently said that women taking off their clothes on social media has him worried for his daughter — hasn't responded to the scamming accusation yet.

Here's more info on the scam we think Safaree is attached to.

Posted In: News Safaree Samuels
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