We don't quite know why Juvenile hates Young Buck with the heat of every conceivable sun, but we do know he sees red at the mere mention of Buck's name.
We learned that during an outtake of Juv's recent Vlad TV interview.
Fresh off the VladTV cutting floor, unseen footage of Juvenile going off when Young Buck gets brought up pic.twitter.com/a0ryEmUlMR
Royce Da 5'9" saw the outtake too, and he knows who's at fault: DJ Vlad.
"How he’s choosing to handle Buck is his choice but I’d be remiss not to point out that we get so triggered by each other and we are so quick to cut each other off, we forgetting that there’s a common denominator here... Eliminate Vlad because his platform is a direct threat to our strength .. We don’t need him," Royce argued.
Royce used to be one of the guys who would show up in front of Vlad's drum set and talk.
But they fell out last year over Louis Farrakhan and it looks like they haven't made up.