
A Laughing Riff Raff Straight Jacked A Fan's Gucci Flip Flops [VIDEO]

By HHL Editors

Riff Raff has all sorts of swag in his Las Vegas Codeine Castle.

But how he obtained it all is now in question.

After a recent concert, a fan approached Jody and asked him to sign his Gucci flip flops.

"They're mine now," Riff Raff proclaims in a video the fan sent to the website BroBible.

These bros gave @JODYHiGHROLLER a real Gucci flip flop to autograph and he just took it.

A video posted by (@brobible) on

Proof of the theft then popped up on Riff's IG page.

i MiGHT PULL UP iN NASHViLLE iN THE GUCCi BATMOBiLE A photo posted by RiFF RaFF JODY HiGHROLLER (@jodyhighroller) on

Is this funny, or should Riff Raff be shelling out 175 bucks for own designer rubber sandals.

Posted In: Video Riff Raff