Rick Ross Responds To Rumor That Drake Owns A Piece Of him


The word is Rick Ross and the rest of the anti-Drake crew are angry that Drake has a much better record label situation than they do.

One rumor is that Drake is a part owner of the new Gamma media company.

Gamma, launched by longtime record exec Larry Jackson last year, is described as a competitor to major labels and an alternative distributor for multimedia content.

Rick Ross is one of the artists on Gamma's roster.

Does that mean Drake owns a piece of Ross?

The Bawse pushed back on that.

"BIG cap.  Minion's opinions," Ross responded to a Tweet about the rumor.

Would a CO who took the name of a drug dealer lie about something like this?

Joe Budden Podcast might have actually cracked the code on why the rappers are really mad at Drake. IT GETS DEEP 👀 pic.twitter.com/nYnp5oy1Sr

— Johnny (@johnnyflash__) April 17, 2024
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