There is a tendency in Hip Hop (and life) to inflate the importance of the dead.
And why not? They are no longer around to hurt their legacy or tp disappoint you.
However, when comparing Nipsey Hussle and Young Dolph to 2Pac and The Notorious B.I.G. that doesn't apply. They were all shot and killed way before their time
This is why a lot of people are going to have trouble with this comparison between the four that Rick Ross made in his chat with HotNewHipHop.
“Losing Nipsey and Dolph for this generation, I’m sure, was just as equivalent or greater to what [Notorious] B.I.G. or ‘Pac was for my generation,” Ross argued.
While the Bawse is just trying to relate to all the millennials and Gen Zers ou there, it's not a great comp.
While Nipsey and Dolph both had their fairly unique lanes, Pac was a far, far bigger personality and more impactful artist than either at the time of their deaths.
The difference in stature at death between Biggie and Nip and Dolphin wasn't as great, but most would still give the nod to Big in terms of impact.
What do you think?