Rich Homie Quan and Young Thug were once so tight Thugger called RHQ his "hubbie."
Thug become one of the most popular rappers in the world while Quan's career stalled. (And then, of course, Thug got RICOed.)
During an interview with No Jumper, RHQ gave his most comprehensive answer about what happened between the two.
"The sh*t started falling apart when we started getting booked for shows and sh*t," Quan said. "We all started getting booked together, and ego played a big role in it. Certain people, including myself, certain people felt like they should go last, certain people wanted more money, and one of those -- I ain't gonna say too much. But it started falling apart around then," RHQ said. "They was never real tension between me and him. It's more about the n*ggas around [us] making it more than what it was."