Rich Homie Quan Admits He Didn't Even Read his First Record Contract


Rich Homie Quan admitted that he never even read his first record contract, which he signed with Think It's A Game.  He then attributed problems with the deal to his career lull, which came because he had to sue the label for not paying him.

"To be honest, I didn't even read my paperwork, I just signed in," said Rich Homie Quan, who went to college. "I'm not saying I signed a bad contract. But at the end of the day, that's why we had to do what we had to do because the contract wasn't right. 

We was going through litigation, so at the time, we tryna see what we was going to do with songs and I hadn't been paid for all the songs I put out. In my mind, I haven't been compensated for the good music I done did, why the hell I'm I going to drop some more when my money ain't even right on these. So let me get my business right, so if I do drop some more sht I know I'll be paid right."

When asked if he had any advice for youngsters on signing deals, he oddly said he didn't because everything worked out for him.

"I can't really know what to say because, that sht worked for me," RHQ, who disappeared because he had to sue his label for non-payment, concluded.