Report: Travis Scott Outsells Sabrina Carpenter To Finish Number One


Billboard and HitsDailyDouble have each delayed their results for this week's album chart amid rumors that Travis Scott's Last Days Of Rodeo re-release has defeated Sabrina Carpenter's Short and Sweet for number one.

Travis Scott’s ‘DAYS BEFORE RODEO’ will allegedly debut at #1, selling 365K first week 🤯

It will outsell Sabrina Carpenter. Official numbers to come

— NFR Podcast (@nfr_podcast) September 2, 2024
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This is significant for two reasons: 

Initial projections had Carpenter winning easily, and Scott has a history of aggressively bundling his albums, tactics that have drawn the ire of other artists like Nicki Minaj.

This is likely why there has been no official declaration of who finished first.

Do you think the results will stand after all the sales are scrutinized?