Report: The OVO Goons Who Smacked Rick Ross Are Hells Angels


Rick Ross and his crew got jumped in Vancouver by Caucasian OVO goons after he played "Not Like US" in Canadian hero Drake's home country.

While Ross got away with just a punch in the face, one of his security guards got it pretty bad.

There is no way to tie Drake to the assault directly.

However, there is some evidence that the goons who pummeled Ross and his crew are Hells Angels.

The person who punch Rick Ross is

Icarus a rapper/Hells Angel from British Columbia

— 💥DAO💥 (@TweezySol) July 1, 2024
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This wouldn't be the first time there have been suggestions the Angels are backing Drake.  

Drake featured a Hells Angel leader in the video for his ominous Kendrick Lamar diss "Family Matters."

Drake had the alleged leader of the Hills angels in his video who he has always had some ties to according to this video

Even the white anchors in this video says that the health angels are not known for diversity meaning historically the hell Angels is a racist bikerGroup

— OPINIONATED_TRUTHS_PODCAST™️ (@O_Truths) May 8, 2024
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The Angels have a history of racism against Black people, and some chapters use nazi imagery, so they are something of an odd gang for the mixed-race and Jewish Drake to use as protection.

Drake flexes his Hells Angel ties on his Instagram story - City officials once called him out on his public support of the motorcycle club 💀👀

— keep6ixsolid (@keep6ixsolid) April 16, 2024
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