Quando Rondo Cops A plea In Federal Drug Case


Quando Rondo was arrested last year in Georgia for being part of a conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute and to distribute controlled substances such as methamphetamine, fentanyl, cocaine, and marijuana.

It was a federal case, and he was facing up to 20 years.

Yesterday, he copped a plea deal.

Details have yet to be announced, but we assume it is less than 20 years.

Earlier this year, Rondo, who's been out on bail, denounced the streets.

"Streetz ain't gone lead you no where but dead or in prison!  You gotta pray and get up everyday and be with everybody do you part help who need you fr & stay out the way," he typed.  "I promise ill never go down the wrong path again life bigger than that I'm just using my voice I'm tired of the bullshxt I'm tired of problems!"