Public Enemy's Chuck D Fires Flavor Flav After Bernie Sanders Flap


Earlier this week, Chuck D announced Public Enemy would be playing a Los Angeles campaign rally for Bernie Sanders today.

Flavor Flav objected and fired off a letter explaining why he didn't want to be associated with the rally.

"To be clear Flav and, by extension, the Hall of Fame hip hop act Public Enemy with which his likeness and name have become synonymous has not endorsed any political candidate in this election cycle and any suggestion to the contrary is plainly untrue," the letter read. "The continued publicizing of this grossly misleading narrative is, at a minimum, careless and irresponsible if not intentionally misleading. Flav is reaching out, not in the spirit of division, but for the sake of unity in the hope of preserving the integrity of the Public Enemy Movement and the faith and trust his millions of fans around the world have placed in him."

Now Chuck D has fired his hype man of 37 years.

“Public Enemy and Public Enemy Radio will be moving forward without Flavor Flav,”read a brief statement Sunday. “We thank him for his years of service and wish him well.”

This isn't the first sign of issues between D and Flav. In 2017, the notorious clock wearer sued Chuck D, producer Gary G-Wiz and Public Enemy's managers for stiffing him out of royalties.