Post Malone has dealt with at least two different vices so far.
One is cigarettes: He recently admitted to smoking up to 80 in one day. His second vice is alcohol, which he said his fiancée, who goes by MLMA, helped him with.
Post revealed that he was drinking so much that it could've killed him.
"It was to a really rough point, and I couldn't get up off the floor for weeks," he said on The Howard Stern Show. "It was screwdrivers, it was vodka and it was bodying fifths and trying to hang in there and talking to people who weren't f*cking there ... I met a really beautiful person that made me feel like a human being again, it's the guidance out of the dark into the light. She saved my f*cking life. It's pretty epic."
You can check out Post talk more about his alcohol problem above.