Earlier this year, Police tased and arrested Milwaukee Bucks player Sterling Brown after a confrontation in a Walgreens parking lot. Brown had parked in front of the store, blocking 2 handicap spots, and an officer was waiting for him when he came back out.
After several cars arrive on the scene in response to the officer's call for backup, things go downhill for Sterling who ends up tased and in cuffs.
Earlier this week, the Police visited a local church to warn that the video would be released and sought the help of the community to contain the backlash
That video has now surfaced:
The current police chief has stated that the officers in question have been "recently disciplined" and that more information will be provided at a later date.
They've disabled comments on the video, but I'm sure the question on everyone's mind is what "discipline" was actually handed out. Somehow we don't think a week without Krispy Kreme fits here.