Paul Wall And Baby Bash Cleared Of All Drug Charges

by Daryl Nelson

After being arrested and charged with engaging in organized criminal activity, Paul Wall and Baby Bash have been cleared.

Back in December, the rappers hosted a smoke out that was raided by police, and they were busted for possessing THC, a felony in the state of Texas. But as the Houston Chronicle reports, there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute, and Wall said from now on he'll only smoke where it's legal.

"I'm ready to hop on the next flight to Denver right now," he said. "I go places where it's legal, and it's legal in 25 states, so I do smoke where it's legal."
Wall then told people to remember those facing similar charges.

"I was facing life in jail for something so minor, and there's people who are going through the same thing, fighting these same battles day in and day out," he said. "Don't be so quick to turn your back on people who are fighting things. You need to be there for them."
Bash has yet to release a statement.