OG Maco isn't afraid to point the dirty stick in the direction of others. He's accused Beyonce of stealing his video concept, and called Travi$ Scott out for biting the Atlanta sound.
Yesterday, the malt liquor spokesmen criticized Future for glorifying drugs.
That triggered the ire of Future fans, many of whom dismissed Maco because he is responsible for the abomination that is 'U Guessed It.'
Maco responded to that by claiming 'U Guessed It' was a musical social experiment to prove how dumb everybody is. See all the pleasantness below:
Rap about drugs and call girls hoes and wear supreme and bape and you'll make it. On my soul.
— OG Maco (@OGMaco) July 9, 2015
It's yall fault all this lame ass shit possible. Never forget. In real life most of Twitter lame as fuck and soul less. — OG Maco (@OGMaco) July 9, 2015
Niggas looking up to loser attitudes because this generation is afraid to strive for anything. Lowest common denominator is the hero.
— OG Maco (@OGMaco) July 9, 2015
I love Future but I also understand Future has destroyed countless lives by making it cool to be a drug addict. 56 Xans isn't cool. — OG Maco (@OGMaco) July 9, 2015
You all fail to realize how slight the chances are that you will become anything worthwhile with the mindset that group weakness is strength
— OG Maco (@OGMaco) July 9, 2015
Because I knew people are stupid and weak minded. And I've stated this many times. https://t.co/HZcdrjsEIW — OG Maco (@OGMaco) July 9, 2015
To discredit me by saying "from the guy who made u guessed it" is completely disregarding the fact I knew it would blow because of idiots.
— OG Maco (@OGMaco) July 9, 2015
"U Guessed It" was not luck. It wasn't a accident. I made the dumbest song I possibly could on a beat full of bass and knew it would blow. — OG Maco (@OGMaco) July 9, 2015
I manipulated over 40 million minds and counting based on the exact same principles that I'm preaching. Who's more qualified to say this?
— OG Maco (@OGMaco) July 9, 2015
I made 2Bars to STOP @1manmansavage from doing Xans. It was a promise we made. And it worked. My nigga stopped after the song dropped. — OG Maco (@OGMaco) July 9, 2015
And yall fake ass Future fans. Yall haven't been listening to him since Rocko tapes. Since "1000" Probably not even Dirty Spite. Fuck niggas
— OG Maco (@OGMaco) July 9, 2015
The fact is there's more weak minds than ever before There's more peons than ever before.And platforms like Twitter make you think otherwise — OG Maco (@OGMaco) July 9, 2015
Im not speaking for the fuck of it. I have to share a world and future with these idiots and simple minded fucks. I'd rather try change.
— OG Maco (@OGMaco) July 9, 2015
Peace of mind when that check signed Leasing lies to those hopeful fools And our Crown Jewels should be the youth https://t.co/l208Hn8vgI — OG Maco (@OGMaco) July 9, 2015
Only fuck niggas take valid points and skew it into hate. Future is one of my favorite artists of all time Regardless pic.twitter.com/ZowW759gD1
— OG Maco (@OGMaco) July 9, 2015