In a new interview with Variety, Offset revealed the shocking news that he's really not Quavo's cousin as they often said in the past.
But that wasn't the only big reveal during the chat. Set also admitted to being a heavy lean user and said his wife Cardi B helped him quit.
"I put down lean," he said. "I was drinking my whole career. It opened my mind up, but I never thought it helped me create. I feel like getting past that, cleaning up, and putting that message out."
"She always got my back, right or wrong," added Set, referring to Cardi. "We both are on the same mission to make each other better. Social is her strong point, so I listen to her social advice. And me, it’s the music, but I play behind the scenes; it’s my wife so I want to make sure she win."
On another note, did you expect that Set and Cardi would be together this long? They tied the knot in 2017.