"No Fly Zone" Trick-Trick Forced To Speak On Teka$hi 69's Comments On Not Checking in


Earlier this week Teka$hi 69 made it clear that when he comes to a new town he doesn't check in with any of the local bosses.  It is customary for rappers to do that because it shows respect and it helps keep that rapper safe while he's visiting.

Trick-Trick -- who is known to impose "no-fly zones" around his city of Detroit --  is perhaps the most famous of these gatekeepers.

But Trick has no desire to get involved with any 69 drama, as he explained in an Internet video.

"Folks keep bringing my attention to a particular video with a youngster in it - saying that he ain't gotta check in. Listen, to everybody that's tagging me in that fucking video... I don't give a fuck what that nigga said. And if your ass want something done with that motherfucker, you do it yourself! I ain't nobody's attack dog," Trick said.

Trick went on to say that his no-fly strategy -- which targeted rappers are not from the city, who do not support artists from the city or make contributions to the city -- has worked.

Since Trick believes rappers from Detroit are now getting their proper respect around the country he's moved his focus to different types of community building.

So if 69 comes to Detroit it may be best that he check in.  But it doesn't have to be with Trick Trick.