Nicki Minaj's Husband Insults Her Fanbase


Using a slur that describes homosexuals is nowhere close to the worst thing Nicki Minaj's husband has done.

Kenny Petty has killed a man and raped a woman, after all.

While Nicki's Barbz may defend their girl for being with a man like that, many were unhappy when Petty used the f-word during a livestream.

Nicki Minaj’s husband says the F slur on Nicki’s live knowing damn well that’s 95% of her fan base?…

‘ That’s right, fuck them f*gs and fuckboys ‘

— Josh (@joshssephorabag) August 31, 2024
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“Don’t you let anybody or anything steal your muthafucking joy," Nicki said.

“That’s right, especially little faggots or f*ck boys," Petty added.

Here is some of the reaction

"They still ain’t learn that she don’t care about the gays but their money. When’s the last time you heard of her doing a gay pride or gay club pop up etc. She did Ru Paul and they swear she for the gays," said somebody on Twitter

"Stop supporting these straight female artists who pretend to be allies for the gay community. They don’t care about you or any of us," said somebody else.