Nick Cannon Addresses Orlando Brown's Wild Allegations Against Him


Orlando Brown has been claiming Nick Cannon fellated him for years.

"Fine, I'll say it. I let Nick suck my dick. I liked it, it was OK. Nick you sucked my dick.  But everyone know you did it as a female," Brown said several years ago.

Given he won't stop saying it, Nick Cannon has responded.

Nick Cannon says Orlando Brown cap.

— 🌏🌏 The Oracle/ ARISHEM🔱💨 (@piperboywilliam) December 4, 2024
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"I did not suck Orlando Brown's dick," Cannon said, adding "I'm entertained by all of his interviews.

Cannon was recently diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder, which is characterized by impulsivity, volatility, and attention-seeking.

While that might sound like the profile of someone who would dress like a woman and give Orlando Brown top, Cannon wants you to know he's not that kind of narcissist.