
New Video Shows Jahlil Okafor Knocking Guy The F Out

By HHL Editors

Philadelphia 76ers rookie Jahlil Okafor has had a tough week. First video of him fighting with hecklers outside of a bar after the team's loss to Boston leaked.

Then there were reports that he had had a gun pulled on him in an earlier late night incident, and that he had been pulled over in October for doing 108 on a bridge.

But back to the Boston fight. New video has emerged of the brawl, and it shows Okafor dropping a much smaller man with a haymaker. Only we don't really see the punch, due to some of the worst camera work in the history of mankind.

We do see the 6'11 center squaring up against the heckler, and then the heckler knocked out on the ground and bleeding from the face.

The Sixers have responded to Okafor's recent troubles by hiring him a security guard. They also won their first game of the year yesterday, which is nice.

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